What’s in store for Partnership on AI in 2022 and beyond? Rebecca Finlay, Partnership on AI CEO, presented our five year strategic plan, our plan for impact in 2022, along with our criteria for future projects at our Partner Forum in late January.
To accommodate international time zones, there were three forums.
In conversation with Joohyung Lee of Samsung
January 26, 2022
10:00am KST/JST
1:00am GMT
5:00pm-1 PT
8:00pm-1 ET
In conversation with Jennifer Bernal of DeepMind
January 26, 2022
3:00pm GMT
7:00am PT
10:00am ET
12:00am KST/JST
In conversation with Ashok Srivastava of Intuit
January 27, 2022
9:00am PT
12:00pm ET
5:00pm GMT
2:00am+1 KST/JST
Rebecca was joined by a Partner in a fireside chat to answer audience questions and comments and listen and respond to how to best collaborate with our community and how PAI can be most valuable to people and society.
We hope you enjoyed the conversation! Thank you as always for contributing to our community. We are always eager to hear your thoughts on PAI’s direction.
A reminder that you can see our Theory of Change and our criteria for convenings and new Workstreams on Our Process page.
- Welcome from Rebecca Finlay, CEO, Partnership on AI
- Fireside Chat with a special Partner participant
- Open Forum for Partner questions
- Survey and Closing

Jennifer Bernal
Head of Public Policy (Acting)

Rebecca Finlay

Joohyung Lee
Corporate VP/Head of AI Methods Team
Samsung Electronics

Ashok Srivastava
Chief Data Officer
Please remember this is a Partners only event and is not open to the public.