Guidelines for AI and Shared Prosperity
For Labor Organizations and Workers
Suggested Uses for Labor Organizations and Workers
After performing the High-Level Job Impact Assessment, consult our recommendations to help minimize the risks and maximize the opportunities to advance shared prosperity with AI.
We currently anticipate four ways in which the Guidelines can be used by unions, worker organizations, worker representatives, and workers, described below. If you have feedback, suggestions, or would like to explore using the Guidelines in your work, please get in touch.
The Why Not Lab, Worker Empowerment Guides
UNI Global Union, Algorithmic Management: Opportunities for Collective Action
The Job Impact Assessment Tool and Responsible Practices can be used to audit or assess existing or prospective AI systems and offer a foundation for dialogue or negotiation over system need identification, purchases, implementation, and use. Such dialogues or negotiations could consider existing or potential impacts on workers, as well as transparency and consent in workplace data collection and use. Where opportunities exist for workers and their representatives to have agency in AI system design, the tools provided in the Guidelines can be used to identify areas for further analysis and improvement.
The Guidelines offer ideas for potential provisions to be included in collective bargaining agreements or other mechanisms for advancing employer workplace policies. Some jurisdictions explicitly delineate technology as an area for collective worker input and decision-making, while in others it is voluntary. Not all signals or responsible practices will be applicable to all AI systems or workplaces, but they can serve as an inventory for negotiators to include or draw inspiration from as they consider risks in their own workplaces.
The Guidelines outline issues that unions and worker organizations may wish to cover in trainings or educational sessions with members. The Job Impact Assessment Tool offers guidance on potential harms to watch out for, as well as possible benefits that workers can advocate for. Additionally, familiarizing workers with the Responsible Practices for AI-using organizations can equip them for advocacy for better workplace AI use within their teams, worksites, or organizations.
The Guidelines can be used to inform positions in policy discussions. As unions and worker organizations consider their policy objectives and goals, this tool can support informed engagement to shape the future of work.
Shared Prosperity Guidelines Home
Get Involved
Partnership on AI needs your help to refine, test, and drive adoption of the Shared Prosperity Guidelines.
Fill out the form below to share your feedback on the Guidelines, ask about collaboration opportunities, and receive updates about events and other future work by the AI and Shared Prosperity Initiative.
Guidelines for AI and Shared Prosperity
Step 1: Learn About the Guidelines
The Need for the Guidelines
The Origin of the Guidelines
Design of the Guidelines
Key Principles for Using the Guidelines
Step 2: Apply the Job Impact Assessment Tool
Instructions for Performing a Job Impact Assessment
Signals of Opportunity to Advance Shared Prosperity
Signals of Risk to Shared Prosperity
STEP 3: Stakeholder-Specific Recommendations
For AI-Creating Organizations
For AI-Using Organizations
For Policymakers
For Labor Organizations and Workers
Get Involved
AI and Shared Prosperity Initiative’s Steering Committee
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