

Current uses of AI and its existing technological path pose significant risks to job quality and worker well-being. Future research is needed to better understand the impacts of AI on informal workers, as well as to quantify the business case for and possible tradeoffs of the recommendations in this report. However, opportunities exist for developers, employers, workers and their institutional organizations, governments, and investors to correct the course, steering AI in a direction that benefits workers as well as their employers.

The Partnership on AI is leading an effort — in continued collaboration with workers at the frontier of AI implementation — to develop commitments and targets for AI’s impacts on job quality as well as tools to support stakeholders in implementing these targets and commitments. To learn more about this effort and stay updated on our work, visit the AI and Shared Prosperity Initiative page on PAI’s website.

The ways AI degrades job quality and worker well-being in the present are neither inherent to the technology nor inevitable outcomes of its progress. Stakeholders have the power to transform AI’s trajectory for the better. It is incumbent upon them to use it.