Test page three. Perhaps more than anything elsetest this past yeartest has demonstrated to me the continued importance of collective action. Tremendous gains can be achieved if we work together, including in the AI space, where the need for action becomes increasingly urgent as we better understand the unequal impacts these technologies can have. Consequently, there’s no community I’d rather be a part of than the Partnership on AI (PAI), which is uniquely positioned to make this essential work happen by bringing together diverse voices from across sectors and around the globe.
This pride has only grown over the last 12 months, which have given me a chance to get to know PAI’s work and community better than ever. By consulting with our Partners during 2021’s strategic planning process, I’ve learned how passionate you are about building a truly inclusive AI community that can identify challenges and share ideas. And by leading this organization, I’ve seen how those ideas can mature into tools, recommendations, and other deployable solutions to have the community-wide impact needed to achieve lasting change.