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Statement from CEO Rebecca Finlay on the European Union’s AI Act

The European Union’s AI Act is a pioneering piece of comprehensive legislation with the potential to influence how AI is governed around the world. While it will take time for the legislation to be finalized and enforced, it is a historic and necessary first step in showing how regulators can take action across the breadth of potential AI applications in public and private sectors. Notably, the AI Act aims to protect our communities from the most harmful forms of AI by banning discriminatory algorithms in high risk settings such as predictive policing and employee recruitment, and requiring transparency and notifications in other settings such as when one encounters deepfakes.

Partnership on AI (PAI) is dedicated to building a world where advancements in AI center people first and where the sector is held accountable to creating AI systems that are equitable, transparent and accountable. To that end, we develop tools that will help to bridge the gap between emerging policy and responsible practice.

ABOUT ML, PAI’s open source resource library on AI documentation best practices is an essential one-stop guide for those interested in learning more about transparency, risk and accountability in preparation for the new Act. This year, PAI will publish a Synthetic Media Code of Conduct in consultation with technology developers, researchers and advocates to combat the misuse of deepfake technology.

We are in conversation about these efforts and others with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and with different levels of government in North America and the EU.


Partnership on AI (PAI) is a non-profit partnership of academic, civil society, industry, and media organizations creating solutions so that AI advances positive outcomes for people and society. PAI studies and formulates sociotechnical approaches to the responsible development of AI technologies to advance the public’s understanding of AI and to serve as an open platform for discussion and engagement about AI and its influences on people and society. Today, PAI convenes nearly 100 partner organizations from around the world to be a uniting force for the responsible development and fielding of AI technologies.