Building on our newly released paper, After the Offer: The Role of Attrition in AI’s ‘Diversity Problem, we were pleased to host a panel exploring strategies for retaining diverse talent in AI.
As AI teams become aware of and take steps to minimize the harms of AI–particularly those that perpetuate human bias and systemic injustice, the question of who exactly is designing the technologies becomes a key consideration. This raises the crucial question: how do AI teams create and retain teams of diverse talent to ensure the technologies they develop are inclusive of varied perspectives?
In this panel discussion, we explored experiences of AI workers from marginalized backgrounds, the factors that lead to attrition on AI teams, and what organizations and managers can actively and immediately do to make the AI field more inclusive for workers.

Jeffery Brown
Diversity and Inclusion Research Fellow

Ekua Quansah
Head of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

Allison Scott
Kapor Center

Tina M. Park
Head of Inclusive Research & Design