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PAI Launches New Phase of Cooperative Initiative to Share Prosperity of AI With All Communities

PAI Launches New Phase of Cooperative Initiative to Share Prosperity of AI With All Communities

Today, the Partnership on AI announced the future of the AI and Shared Prosperity Initiative, focused on measuring and disclosing the impact of the AI industry on the jobs market—specifically, how many good jobs are available, and for whom. As people around the world return to jobs and workplaces, and as policymakers take a closer look at the widening income inequality in the wake of COVID-19, the direction of AI risks displacing workers, making remaining jobs more precarious and injury-prone, and widening inequality. The Initiative seeks to address those risks and calls for the AI industry to adopt shared prosperity targets: verifiable commitments modeled after carbon neutrality targets to ensure that AI advancement is “good jobs positive.” Click here to learn more.

The Initiative is led by Katya Klinova, Head of AI, Labor and Economy at PAI; the Agenda’s lead editor is Stephanie Bell, Research Fellow at PAI. Both of them, as well as members of the AI and Shared Prosperity Initiative’s Steering Committee, including noted economists, AI experts, non-profit and business leaders, are available for comment on the Initiative, the current labor market and prospects for shared prosperity as the speed of AI innovation quickens.

“There’s a lot of talk of workers needing to constantly catch up with changing technology just to avoid falling behind, and little focus on how technologies should adjust to best help working people prosper. We launched the AI and Shared Prosperity Initiative last year to help close this gap, inspired by the work and ideas of the leaders who joined the Initiative’s Steering Committee. The Committee was very clear in its call to develop a way to measure the impact of AI products on the availability and quality of jobs in the broader economy. Today we’re sharing with the world both that call and a plan of how to execute on it, inviting everyone to join forces with us on a journey to institute accountability for the jobs improved or worsened, created or eliminated as a result of AI advancement.”

Katya Klinova, Head of AI, Labor and Economy at the Partnership on AI

To facilitate a broader discussion of ideas central to the AI and Shared Prosperity Initiative, PAI has collaborated with the Boston Review on a special Forum issue titled Redesigning AI: Work, Democracy and Justice at the Age of Automation, led by Daron Acemoglu and with contributions from multiple Initiative’s Steering Committee members.